
China Vervo Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

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Categoria: Beni e prodotti industriali
Titolo Sito: China Vervo Valve Manufacturer Co., Ltd.
Indirizzo URL Sito: https://www.vervovalve.com/
Descrizione Sito: Industrial Valve Manufacturer in China, Specializes in Cast Forged Steel Floating Trunnion Ball Valves, Gate Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves, etc.
Detagli / Informazioni Azienda: China Vervo Valve Co., Ltd (https://www.vervovalve.com/ ) is One of the biggest Chinese industrial valves manufacturer specializing in floating ball valves, trunnion ball valves, cast steel gate valves, forged steel gate valves, pressure seal gate valves, cast steel globe valves, forged steel globe valves, cryogenic globe valves, forged steel check valves, swing check valves, dual plate check valves, API 609 butterfly valves, steel plug valves, Y strainer valves, etc. Our main market includes North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, from Worldwide Markets. Our Business covers manufacturing, importing and selling all kinds of industrial ball valves, industrial gate valves, industrial globe valves, industrial butterfly valves, industrial check valves, industrial plug valves, industrial special valves. We are looking forward to cooperating with you with most sincerity! Visit our Website: https://www.vervovalve.com/
Parole Chiave: ball valves , gate valves , globe valves , check valves , plug valves , butterfly valves , pipe strainers , floating ball valves , trunnion ball valves , cast steel valves , cast steel gate valves , cast steel globe valves , pressure seal gate valves , swing check valves , forged steel valves , forged steel gate valves , forged steel check valves , forged steel globe valves , industrial ball valves , industrial gate valves , industrial globe valves , industrial check valves , industrial plug valves , industrial plug valves , industrial strainers , sleeved plug valves , steel plug valves , steel ball valves , steel gate valves , steel globe valves , steel check valves , steel butterfly valves , cryogenic valves , cryogenic globe valves , api 609 butterfly valves , dual plate check valves , y strainer valves , strainer valves.
Link aggiunto: Jul 22, 2024

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