
Informatica Globale

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Categoria: Computer e informatica
Titolo Sito: Informatica Globale
Indirizzo URL Sito: http://www.informaticaglobale.it/
Descrizione Sito: Servizi e consulenze informatiche, consulenze sulla privacy.
Detagli / Informazioni Azienda: servizi e consulenze informatiche
Parole Chiave: informatica globale , informatica , computer , internet , pc , desktop , notebook , palmare , windows , xp , win98 , portatile , stampante , scanner , modem , adsl , router , firewall , virus , worm , trojan , norton , reti , lan , vpn , networking , new economy , e-commerce , commercio elettronico , carrello , hardware , software , hub , cavi , switch , network , multimedia , video , audio , cd , dvd , video editing , fotografia digitale , contatti , email , server , linux , apache , unix , mandrake , red hat , assistenza tecnica , posta elettronica , webmail , sito , web , b2b , b2c , videoproiettori , mouse , monitor , risoluzione , pixel , byte , bit , megabyte , processore , pentium , amd , intel , asus , microsoft , 2000 , webcam , abend , abort , above the fold , above the line , absolute path , abuse , accesso sequenziale , account , acd , acl , acm , active x , adjacency , admin , administrator , adn , adapter , advertising , pubblicità , aes , aipa , algoritmo , alias , allegato , analogico , and , anonymous , ansi , antivirus , aol , api , applet , application , area , arp , arpa , arpanet , ascii , atm , autenticazione , authoring , autorisponditore , back end , back office , backbone , backbone cabal , background , backing out , backup , banda larga , banda flat , banding , bandwith , banner , basket , battage , baudy language , bbs , bcc , beenz , before , below the web , benchmark , benefit , beni core , beta , bid , biller , binhex , bis , bitnet , black-list , blending , blogger , bluetooth , bookmark , border gateway , bounced mail , box ad , bpi , bpml , bpr , bps , brand building , brand equity , bricks & , mortar , bridge , broadcast , brochureware , broker , browser , browsing , bsa , buffer , bug , build to order , bulk , burst , business community , business concept innovation , business intelligence , business model , business reengineering , business to business , business to consumer , business to emplyess , business to government , business to partner , business writing , busy , buy-side , buyer , c-set , cable modem , cache , caching , cagr , call-center , call-to-action , camouflage , campione , canale , cancelbot , cannibalizzazione , capacity planning , carrier , carte di debito , carte prepagate , catena del valore , catena di certificazione , certificate chain , cavo home passed , cc , ccitt , cda , cdn , ceo , cern , cert , certificato digitale , certificatore , cessione di beni digitali , cfo , cfv , call for vote , cgi , common gateway interface , challange response , chargeback , chat , chiave , key , crittografia simmetrica , chiave doppia , key apir , chiave privata , private kay , chiave pubblica , public key , chiosco telematico , churn , cio , cir , circuito , clausole vessatorie , clearing , click rate , click stream , clicks & , mortar , client , clientcentric , cloaking , clock , clock speed , co-branding , code of online business practices , codice sorgente , colocation , co-location , collocation , comal , commento , commerce service provider , csp , commercio elettronico , commodity , communicator , competenze distintive , compilare , compilatore , compliance manager , comunità , virtuale , connectionless , consumer list , consumer to business , consumer to consumer , content factory , content is king , content management , content manager , content provider , comntratto a distanza , cookie , core , core business , corporate banking , corportal , cpa , cost-per-action , cpl , cost-per-lead , cpm , cost-per-thousand , cps , certification practice statement , cps , cost-per-sale , cptm , cost per thousand targeted , cpu , central processing unit , cracker , crawler , credit scoring , crisis management , crittografia , crl , certicate revocation list , crm , customer relationship management , cronologia , cross certification , cross selling , cross platform , crosslinking , crosspost , crosspromotion , csm , certificate management service , cti , computer telephone integration , cto , cursore , customer care , customer centric , customer database , customer satisfaction , customer service , customerizzazione , cut price , cyberlaking , cybermediari , cyberslacking , cyberspazio , cybersquatting , cybrarian , d-html , daemon , data mart , data warehouse , database , database analyst , database manager , database marketing , datacom , datamining , deadline , debug , debugging , decision maker , deep link , default , delocalizzazione , des , data encryption standard , desktop , dhcp , dinamic host configuration protocol , dialer , digerato , digest , digital cash , digital time-stamp , digitale , direct marketing , direct selling , diritto di recesso , disa , defense information systems agency , disclaimer , disintermediazione , dispositivo , dispositivo di firma , distant learning , diversificazione , dma , direct marketing association , dns , domain name system , documento elettronico , dominio , door page , doorway page , dorsale di rete , dot pitch , dotcom , download , downsizing , dpi , dot per inch , dsa , data service adapter , dsl , digital subscriber line , dss , decision support system , dul , dial-up list , dummies , dvd , dvorak keyboard , dwdm , dense wavelength division multiplexing , dynamic pricing , e-auction , e-bidding , e-book , electronic book , e-brand , e-business , electronic business , e-business leverage , e-commerce , e-committee , e-couponing , e-government , e-learning , e-mail , posta elettronica , e-mail marketing , e-marketplace , e-metrics , e-procurement , e-recruitment , e-requisitioning , e-safe , e-shop , e-sourcing , e-tailer , e-vap , electronic value added provider , e-zine , electronic magazine , eai , enterprise application integration , eautomators , ebitida , ebpp , electronic bill presentment and payment , e-browsers , ebxml , ecr , efficier consumner response , ecynics , edi , ediscounters , editing , editor , edp , electronic data processing , edutainment , eip , enterprise information portal , eis , ejoiners , electronic cash dispenser , ecd , electronic data interchange , electronic service , electronic service , emittente , issuer , emoticons , faccine , emps , electronic mobile payment system , end user , end-to-end , enterprise storage , entertainment , envelope , eprivateers , erp , esposizione , esposizione programmata , estensione , esternalizzazione , ethernet , fast-ethernet , etsi , european telecommunications standard institute , expire , extranet , f2f , face to face , facility management , faq , frequently asked questions , fast , federation agains software theft , fault management , fddi , fee , feed-back , fep , front end processor , fidelizzazione , fidonet , file di scambio , file sharing , financial settlement , finger , firewall , firewire , firma digitale , first mover , fixed pricing , flame , flat rate , flesh formula , fmc , fixed mobile converge , fmi , fixed mobile integration , focus group , font , forgetting rate , form , formattare , formattazione , forum , forward , frame , freeware , frequent shopper , friaco , flat rate internet access call origination , front line , front-office , ftc , federal trade commission , ftp , file transfer protocol , fwd , fixed wireless data , gan , geographic area network , gara online , garr , gateway , gateway wap , gbps , gigabit per second , geek , geta , global electronic trade association , give4free , gix , gml , gnu , gopher , government to business , government to citizens , government to employees , government to government , gpg , gnu privacy guard , gpl , gprs , general packet radio service , gray marketing , groupware , gruppo di discussione , gsm , global system for mobile communication , guest book , hacker , handle , handshaking , hardware , hdml , handheld device markup language , header , help desk , high end , hit , hoax , home page , honey pot , host , hosting , hotel internet , hotlist , housing , href , hypertext reference , html , http , hub , iab , internet activities board , icann , icona , icq , ict , id , idsl , internet digital subscriber line , ietf , internet engineering task force , ikp , internet key payment , im , iming , istant messaging , imap , internet message access protocol , impression , inbox , indicizzare , infoglut , infomediari , infonesia , information appliance , information-rich , infosecurity manager , insourcing , integrità , ios , inter organization system , interattività , interfaccia utente , internesia , internet , internet accelerator , internet incubator , internet reach , internet service provider , isp , internet technology manager , internet tv , internet2 , intersticials , intranet , iotp , internet open trading protocol , ip , internet protocol , ip multicaasting , ipermedia , hypermedia , ipertesto , ipng , irc , internet relay chat , irsg , internet research steering group , irtf , internet research task force , is , internet society , isapi , internet server application programming interface , isdn , integrated service digital network , iso , international organization for standardization , isp , item , ivp , intention virtual network , ivr , interactive voice response , j2me , java , javascript , jini , joint venture , jpeg , joint photographic expert group , jscript , junk mail , just in time , kbn , kill bad name , keiretsu provider , kernel , keyword , kick , killer application , know how , knowbot , knowledge management , label , lag , lamer , lan , ldap , leased line , legacy , licenza , licenza a strappo , linea dedicata , link , link popularity , liquid design , list server , local loop , log analyser , logfile , login , logistica , logoff , logon , loyalty , lurker , lurking , mailbombing , mailbot , mailbox , mailing list , mailmerge , mantainer , mall virtuali , man , maps , market intelligence , market makers , market owner , marketing audit , marketing mix , marketplace , marketshare , marketspace , mass customisation , matching , media consuption , media mix , medium , memex , menu , mercato di nicchia , merchant , meta-marketplace , metadati , metafile , metamediario , metcalfe , mhtml , microcontent , micropagamenti , micropayment , microprocessore , microsite , middleware , milestone , mime , multipurpose internet mail extensions , mirror site , mix , mms , multimedia messaging service , mobile data users , modem , modulatore , demodulatore , mol , moneta elettronica , motori di ricerca , mp3 , mpeg , motion picture expert group , mro , maintenance repair operations , msp , management service provider , mts , multiplexing , nameserver , naming , nap , nas , network attached storage , natting , near , need competition , netcasting , netiquette , netizen , network management , networking , new economy , new media , newbie , newsgroups , newsletter , newsml , newsserver , nic , registration authority italiana , nickname , nntp , network news transfer protocol , nodo , non profit incubator , non ripudiabilità , nos , network operating system , not , nsfnet , number portability , obbligo di informativa , obi , open buying on the internet , oc12 , oc-12 , oc3 , oc-3 , odbc , open database connectivity , odd size , oem , original equipment manufacturer , offline , old economy , olo , other licensees operator , on-line trading , one-click ordering , one-to-one marketing , online , online banking , open source , operatore boleano , opinion poll , opt-in , opt-out , or , orb , object request broker , orbs , order form , order fullfillment , ordine di acquisto , orphan annie , osf , open software foundation , ospf , outbound , outplacement , output management , outsourcing , overland , packaging , packet switching technology , packethound , page request , page view , pagina web , paid inclusion , paid placement , paid submission , pan virtuale , personal account number , pap , password authentication protocol , partenariato , password , pat , pay for placement , payment gateway , pcs , personal communications service , pda , personal data assistant , peering , performance management , permission-based , personalizzazione di massa , pgp , pretty good privacy , pics , platform for internet content selection , pinboard , bacheca elettronica , pir , personal initial request , pki , public key infrastructure , plug-in , pmi , pointcast , policy , pop , point of presence , pop-up , popitt , portale , pos , point of sale , postmaster , potere d'acquisto , ppp protocol , point to point protocol , prezzo base , prezzo minimo , price maker , price taker , prime time , principio di accessibilità , project manager , prompt , proofreading , prosumer , protocollo , proxy , pse , personal security enviroment , psp , payment service provider , pstn , public switched telephone network , pulling power , push-pull , qos , quality of service , quarantena , query , question & , answers , question marks , quote , ranking , rapporto di conversione , ratio , real audio , redemption , referrer , reintermediazione , relationship marketing , relurl , remoto , reseller , resource management , rete geografica , rete proprietaria , reti civiche , reti fisiche , reti mobili , reti satellitari , return visit , global position system , gps , return visit , revamping , revenue model , rfb , request for bid , rfc , request for comments , rfd , rfp , request for proposal , rfq , request for quotation , riaa , recording industry association of america , rich media , ring network , ripe , riservatezza , risk management , roaming , roi , return on investment , ros , run of site , rotazione generale , router , royalty , rsa , rivest , shamir , adleman , runtime , rupa , secure multipurpose internet mail extension , san , storage area network , scalabilità , script , security management , segmentazione , self-made incubator , sell-side , seller , semantic web , server , server farm , servercentric , sessione , set , sfa , sales force automation , sgml , shareware , shopbot , shopper , signature , sito , skills shortage , sla , service level agreement , slip protocol , serial line internet protocol , smart card , smart phone , sms , short messagging service , smtp , simple mail transfer protocol , sniffer , sniffing , snoop server , soap , simple object access protocol , società , dell'informazione , software , soluzione buy-side , soluzione sell-side , source site , referer url , spam , speciality , spider , spin-off , spoofing , ssl , secure sockets layer , ssp , storage service provider , stake holders , start-up , steering committee , stop words , streaming , subnet , superstitial , supplier , supply chain integration , supply managed marketplace , surfing , swot , sysop , system integrator , tla , three letter acronym , t1 , t3 , talk , target , targeting , tco , total cost of ownership , tcp/ip , tdd , time division duplex , tecnologie satellitari , telecomunicazione , telemarketing , televisione interattiva , template , texel , thread , time out , time-to-market , time-to-user , tracking , trademark , trading , traffic , transaction fee , transnazionale , trasferimento elettronico di fondi , trattamento , tunnelling , turnkey , uce , unsolicitied commercial email , uddi , universal description discovery and integration , uml , unified modeling language , umts , universal mobile telecommunication service , unbundling , unicast , unix , unspsc , up-selling , upgrade , aggiornamento , upload , url , uniform resource locator , usenet , userid , username , v.xx , vaporware , var , value added reseller , vas , value added services , venture capital , veronica , vertical , videoconferenza , videoscrittura , videotel , viral marketing , virtual community , virtual company , virtual supply chain , virus , visitatori unici , voip , voice over ip , vpn , virtual private network , vrml , virtual reality modeling language , vsat , very small aperture terminal , vsp , vertical solutions provider , wae , wireless application enviroment , wais , wide area information service , wan , wap , wireless application protocol , wasp , wireless application service provider , wbem , web-based enterprise management , web directory , web host , web manager , web marketing , web marketing mix , web mining , web product mix , web server , web writer , web-based training , web-edi , web-to-host , webcam , webdav , world wide web distributed authoring and versioning , webmaster , weonomics , whois , wireless , wlan , wml , wireless markup language , workflow , workgroup , www , world wide web , wysiwyg , what you see is what you get , x.400 , x.500 , x.509 , xdsl , xml , extensible markup language , zip , zip file , zippare , 1000base-t , 100base-t , 121 , one-to-one , 3g , 400 , 401 unauthorized , 403 forbidden , 404 , 550 xxxxxxxxxx is not a known user
Link aggiunto: Jul 11, 2009

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